Guinea Pig Care Sheets & Checklists

baby guinea pig in girl's hand

Having guinea pigs brings additional work and there are a few regular tasks you’ll need to do to make sure your piggies are well cared for. 

We’ve designed and created a printable pdf download of 12 care sheets in both pink and blue to help you (or your kids) keep on track with daily, weekly and monthly jobs as well as keeping records of their health and medical information.

Some of the routine tasks you’ll need to do on a regular basis are feeding (3 types of food), cleaning, grooming and keeping a check on their general health.

guinea pig care sheets and checklists
Guinea Pig Care Sheets in Blue

We’ve included everything you need in our set of 12 care sheets to help you keep organized with checklists, record sheets and information sheets for you to fill in. They include

  • ABOUT ME: Add you guinea pig’s name, birthday, adoption date and a photograph of them
  • SAFE FRUIT & VEG: A quick guide to some of the safe fruit and veg your guinea pigs can eat (we have a more comprehensive guide here…)
  • DAILY CHECKLIST: All the daily tasks on one sheet that you can tick off as you complete them. 
  • VET INFORMATION: Fill in your vet contact info including  phone number, address, email, website and opening hours so you can get hold of them quickly in an emergency.
  • BOARDING INFORMATION: This is the same as the vet information but for boarding so you have the information to hand when you need it..
  • SYMPTOMS OF ILLNESS: Some of the symptoms you need to look out for to make sure you get them treatment when they need it.
  • VET & BOARDING APPOINTMENTS: Keep track of any appointments you need to make for your guinea pigs
  • SHOPPING LIST: Jot down your guinea pig shopping so you never run out of food, chew toys, treats  etc.
  • HEALTH RECORD: Note any health issues and the date when this occurred.
  • MEDICATION: If they need medication,  you can note down the name of the medication and what it’s for, how much and how often to give it. You can also fill in the date and time given so you don’t forget if you’ve already done it.
  • WEIGHT CHART: Guinea pigs can lose weight fast if they’re ill so keeping a record of their weight on a regular basis could help you spot something early and prevent them getting severely ill.
  • NAIL CUTTING: Your guinea pig will need their nails cut every 2-4 weeks depending on  how fast they grow. Keep a record of each time they have them cut so they don’t get  too long.

Buy the care sheets in pink… or Buy the care sheets in blue…

For adults and kids

Adults, and especially parents, are usually extremely busy people so having record sheets and checklists can really help keep organized. As a parent of 4 children myself (now grown up.. phew!), checklists have always helped immensely with getting things done on time without being forgotten.

Perfect for keeping track of all my piggies health and well being. 


These care sheets may be a lifesaver for busy adults/parents but also a great learning tool for kids too.

Promoting responsibility in kids

When caring for a pet, recording information and ticking off completed tasks is something that can help children feel a sense of achievement and purpose.

A reward system for younger children can work really well. Rewarding them with a star for each completed task can be a great motivator, especially if there is a bigger treat once a certain number of stars have been given.

Guinea pigs are not what you would call “starter pets” as their care is quite involved and will require lots of input from a parent or carer. However, if you have very young children, perhaps you can do the tasks together (it may mostly be you doing the work but it gets the habit in place!) and get your child to tick the boxes once a task is complete. This will teach them from a young age the importance of caring for animals and the responsibilities it brings.

What a fab idea, perfect for keeping my children organized with the care of our fur babies


Parents always need to be the ones ultimately responsible for the guinea pigs as children, even older teenagers, do sometimes get bored of certain tasks. But we hope the care sheets will help come some way to help them feel a sense of duty and responsibility towards their pets in a positive way and that it will help you as a parent in getting the jobs done in a more stress-free way!

Buy a pack of care sheets and download instantly

Our care sheets are available in pink or blue and come as an instantly downloadable pdf that you can print out at home. There are 12 care sheets in each pack and you may print them out as many times as you want for your own use.

Buy the care sheets in pink… or Buy the care sheets in blue…