If you can adopt a guinea pig from a rescue center, you have the potential to transform that little pet’s life. With thousands of guinea pigs in rescue shelters all over the US, these small pets with the most adorable personalities are desperately in need of your help.
Before buying from a pet store, please think seriously about adopting a rescued guinea pig instead.
But, even more importantly, before getting guinea pigs at all, do consider the commitment it takes to look after them and be sure you’re prepared to take care of them for the duration of their lives.
It’s easy to fall in love with a guinea pig when visiting the pet store but there are many reasons why you should choose a rescued guinea pig over a pet store guinea pig:
It is unfortunately too easy to buy a guinea pig from a pet store. Pet stores will get in however many guinea pigs they need to meet demand. The more people buy them, the more guinea pigs will be needlessly bred and a great many of these will end up in the rescue centers where they are struggling to cope with the intake of guinea pigs.
If more guinea pigs are adopted from rescues, pet store demand will decrease resulting in less guinea pigs being bred and ending up neglected or in rescue shelters.
Before buying or adopting a guinea pig, it’s really important to find out as much as you can about how to care for them as well as how much they will cost on an ongoing basis.
Getting a guinea pig must never be an impulse buy from your local pet store. They are very cute pets and it’s so easy to make this mistake but they are a lot of work.
Before you make the decision to adopt guinea pigs, first check out our “What you need to know before getting a guinea pig” page. This gives you a load of quick information that you may not know about guinea pigs and will help you decide whether this is the best pet for you.
First you’ll need to check if there’s a guinea pig rescue near where you live. Or you can contact your local animal shelter as they may also have guinea pigs awaiting adoption. Rescue centers all have their own ways of doing things so you’ll need to find out from the one you choose what their particular requirements are for adoption.Here are some of the common adoption requirements:
Bear in mind that rescue centers are extremely careful about where they re-home their guinea pigs. This is totally understandable when you think of the love and care they’ve given to these guinea pigs to rehabilitate them.
It would be heartbreaking for a rescue to see one of their guinea pigs in a state of neglect or unwanted yet again.
You don’t need to go to a pet store if you want a baby guinea pig because rescue centers will often have babies that are awaiting adoption.
But don’t rule out adopting an adult piggy as they also need a good home. So many of these lovely pets have had years of neglect and have waited a long time to find that special forever home.
Some rescue centers may require temporary foster carers for guinea pigs while they await a permanent new home. This is another option you may want to consider.
There are many reasons why guinea pigs end up in rescue centers. Here are some of the following reasons:
There are many more reasons why guinea pig rescues are so full and it’s incredibly sad that so many of these pets have also been neglected or even dumped somewhere because they were no longer wanted.
There are lots of resources on our website to help you learn how to care for your newly adopted guinea pigs. We also have loads of product recommendations and, as guinea pig lovers ourselves, we only recommend those products that we know to be safe and suitable for guinea pigs.
In fact, we make every effort to try as many of the products we recommend to ensure they are good enough for our favorite small pets.
Here are some links to products and care information that you’ll find helpful: