When you get your new guinea pigs, you’ll need to think about what you are going to call them. With so many names to choose from, this can be a little daunting but we have over 400 good name ideas to help you decide on the best ones that will suit your small pet.
We have included favorite names for boys, girls and pairs as well as popular Disney characters, names that are super cute, and names that are based on the color of your guinea pig.
But before you start, here are some points to consider when naming your guinea pig:
We’ve created some guinea pig adoption certificates in different designs and colors that you can buy and download to print out at home. You can enter their new name and information on the certificate so you have a record of when you first brought your new guinea pigs home.
If you’ve adopted your guinea pigs, they will already have names. If you don’t like the names they’ve been given it is perfectly ok to rename them to something you prefer.
Alfie | Derek | Nigel |
Alvin | Dougal | Norman |
Angus | Duke | Oscar |
Arthur | Fergus | Ozzy |
Barnaby | Frodo | Percy |
Benji | George | Piper |
Biggy | Gizmo | Pippin |
Billy | Graham | Romeo |
Bobby | Gus | Rupert |
Boris | Harley | Scamper |
Brian | Hercules | Spike |
Bruce | Hugo | Theodore |
Buddy | Jasper | Timmy |
Cedric | Kenny | Trevor |
Charles | Merry | Wally |
Cyril | Monty | Wilbur |
Dave | Mozart | Winston |
Agatha | Dolly | Nora |
Aurora | Doris | Nova |
Bella | Dottie | Olive |
Bellini | Ella | Penelope |
Betsie | Flo | Petunia |
Betty | Flora | Phoebe |
Bijoux | Hermione | Poppy |
Camilla | Jojo | Rosie |
Carmelita | Lady | Ruby |
Chloe | Lily | Sasha |
Cilla | Lola | Scarlet |
Daisy | Lottie | Shirley |
Daphne | Lulu | Sue |
Darcey | Maisie | Willow |
Darling | Matilda | Wilma |
Delilah | Millie | Xena |
Diana | Myrtle | Zoey |
Abbott & Costello | Hale & Pace |
Adam & Eve | Holmes & Watson |
Albert & Humphrey | Laverne & Shirley |
Anna & Elsa | Lilo & Stitch |
Ant & Dec | Loki & Thor |
Batman & Robin | Mater & Roscoe |
Ben & Jerry | Mickey & Minnie |
Benny & Jett | Otis & Milo |
Bert & Ernie | Peanut & Butter |
Biggles & Wiggles | Pixie & Dixie |
Bill & Ted | Potato & Chip |
Bonnie & Clyde | Rene & Stimpy |
Bruce & Bruno | Rhubarb & Custard |
Bubble & Squeak | Ronnie & Reggie |
Butter & Biscuit | Salt & Pepper |
Cagney & Lacey | Shaggy & Scooby |
Candy & Floss | Simon & Garfunkel |
Charlie & Chaplin | Sven & Olaf |
Cheech & Chong | Thelma & Louise |
Chip & Dale | Timon & Pumbaa |
Coco & Chanel | Tom & Jerry |
Cookie & Crumble | Turner & Hootch |
Eggroll & Sushi | Waffle & pancake |
Elton & John | Wallace & Gromit |
Fudge & Oreo | Woody & Buzz |
Bandit | Godiva | Pepsi |
Bear | Guinness | Pirate |
Beauty | Gypsy | Pluto |
Blackberry | Java | Raven |
Boo | Jinx | Romany |
Bourbon | Licorice | Shadow |
Bramble | Magic | Shuri |
Buffy | Midnight | Sirius |
Cinders | Morticia | Smokey |
Coal | Mystic | Sooty |
Cola | Obie | Sweep |
Dahlia | Onyx | Treacle |
Damien | Oreo | Truffle |
Domino | Panda | Velvet |
Ebony | Panther | Voodoo |
Eve | Pepper | Wiz |
Galaxy | Peppercorn | Wolfie |
Alaska | Cotton | Misty |
Angel | Crackers | Moonshine |
Astro | Cream Puff | Nimbus |
Blanche | Crystal | Pearl |
Blanco | Daisy | Polar |
Blizzard | Dazzle | Popcorn |
Blondie | Dove | Serenity |
Brie | Duchess | Snow White |
Butter | Everest | Snowball |
Buttermilk | Frosty | Snowflake |
Calico | Iris | Snowpig |
Casper | Jasmine | Snowy |
Chalky | Lily | Stardust |
Champagne | Luna | Stewart Little |
Chardonnay | Marshmallow | Sugar |
Coconut | Meringue | Vanilla |
Comet | Milkshake | Winter |
Acorn | Cookie | Nutty |
Auburn | Custard | Peanut |
Biscuit | Doughnut | Penny |
Brandy | Fudge | Raisin |
Brownie | Godiva | Reese |
Bruno | Hazel | Rolo |
Butterscotch | Hershey | Sandy |
Cadbury | Honeybear | Smores |
Cappuccino | Humbug | Smudge |
Caramel | Kahlua | Snickers |
Carmel | Kitkat | Teddy |
Choco | Latte | Toffee |
Chocolate Drop | Mocha | Truffle |
Cinnamon | Mochi | Twix |
Coco Puff | Moose | Udon |
Cocoa | Muffin | Weetabix |
Coffee | Nutella | Whisky |
Amber | Goldie | Pumpkin |
Annie | Harry | Red |
Apricot | Hobnob | Ron |
Autumn | Honey | Rosie |
Biscoff | Honey Bee | Ruben |
Blaze | Jaffa | Rusty |
Caramac | Jasper | Saffron |
Chester | Leo | Sienna |
Clementine | Lotus | Sunny |
Clifford | Mango | Sunshine |
Crunchie | Maple | Tangerine |
Dorito | Marigold | Tango |
Fanta | Marmalade | Tiger |
Ginger Pig | Nacho | Tigger |
Ginger Snap | Nutmeg | Treacle |
Gingerbread | Peach | Weasley |
Ginny | Pumpernickel | Wilma |
Apple | Fuzzie | Popcorn |
Atom | Gumdrop | Porky |
Bean | Jelly Bean | Potato |
Blaze | Kissy | Skittles |
Bubblegum | Lucky | Sparkle |
Bubbles | Lupin | Sprinkles |
Bumble | Melody | Squidgy |
Buttercup | Muffin | Squishy |
Candy | Nibbles | Star |
Cupcake | Noodle | Sweetie |
Cutie Pie | Nugget | Taffy |
Dandelion | Parsley | Tater Tot |
Dobby | Pea | Tator |
Fifi | Pebbles | Tootie |
Fluffy | Piggles | Tumbleweed |
Flute | Pigsby | Twinkle |
Frizzle | Pooh Bear | Woodie |
Aladdin | Jasmine | Nemo |
Ariel | Jesse | Olaf |
Baloo | Joy | Pingu |
Bambi | Kiara | Pocahontas |
Bashful | Lilo | Pongo |
Basil | Marvin | Pua |
Belle | Meeko | Pumba |
Cinderella | Megara | Raya |
Dopey | Merida | Sebastian |
Dory | Merlin | Simba |
Elsa | Moana | Stitch |
Eric | Mowgli | Tarzan |
Esmerelda | Mufasa | Timone |
Flynn | Mulan | Tinkerbell |
Goofy | Mushu | Ursula |
Goofy | Nala | Wilbur |
Grumpy | Napoleon | Winnie |