Midwest Guinea Pig Habitat Cage Review & How to Expand

pair of cute guinea pigs side by side

The Midwest Guinea Pig Habitat Cage is one of the most popular cages with guinea pig owners. With so many unsuitable cages being sold for guinea pigs, we are passionate about educating people about which cages are best.   So let’s take a look…

Pine Bedding (Wood Shavings)

a grey guinea pig and ginger guinea pig on pine bedding

Pine wood shavings are a popular bedding for guinea pigs but are they a good option and are they safe for your small pets? Is pine bedding good for guinea pigs? Pine bedding is a good choice for guinea pigs but it is important…

Aspen Bedding

ginger and white guinea pig being held

Aspen bedding for guinea pigs is an alternative type of wood shaving bedding to pine, but how does it compare to the more traditional shavings that we often find in the pet store?  Having tested fleece liners, pine shavings and hemp bedding, we can tell…

Paper Bedding

long haired ginger guinea pig

One of the popular types of disposable bedding that guinea pig owners use in their cages is paper bedding. There are many different brands including Carefresh, and Kaytee to name just a few and they will all differ slightly in quality and performance.  We’ve…