How to Wick Fleece

hairless guinea pig on red fleece

You may have heard people speak about “wicking” their guinea pig fleeces or fleece liners before use… but what does it mean? Find out in this guide how to prepare fleece for your guinea pig cage before use. Quick links What is wicking and…

How to Potty Train a Guinea Pig

long-haired guinea pig on pine pellets

Guinea pigs do a lot of poops every day and this can make the cage look messy very quickly, especially if you use fleece in your guinea pig’s cage. A guinea pig that is trained to use a litter box would be extremely beneficial,…

Bedding Absorbency Experiment

ginger guinea pig next to his hideout

One of the most important considerations when choosing the best bedding for your guinea pigs is the absorbency so we decided to experiment with 6 different beddings to see how absorbent they really were.  Remember that if you use a good absorbent bedding it will most likely…